comments on stuff

Yesterday pancho ate so much turkey, so good though. then had to sleep. in the morning good crash. But did not have a secret shortwave radio from nasa. o they got em at Walmart.   But last a week . the best kind are used to be at that pace called passions. that was long time ago.  in fact fat man don’t like turkey. goes to the burger place and gets a hamburger and fries.  the paul guy made so many albums may be 15 beatle ones and 30 more. 

Parden me I unzipped my jacket,  next is the shirt. Yes even Patty Duke the church going , porn Patty Duke Show shows any thing.  Next is the blue jeans off.   For the cuties pretty men club gofer don’t wear panties.   Dan Blocker did not show a picture of being naked. Some zombie that hates bonanza did that.

the Houston pretty boy club

There is such of a place in nw Houston. its at 9540 kempwood or clay road. there is all kinds there trans this trans that. All u got to do is be a democrat, but its racist. that’s right cause they don’t allow normal peeps there. just go in side,  they got couches, hot tubs and men that want to be female , but cant cause they were not born that way. but still gofer wants to be a female fish but really they trans formed from a 3 leg man.

al frankin what a clown democrat

yea there is a picture of mr clown feeling of her tits.  that lady on KTRH says  remove al frankin. all he did was get a touch and feel.  hell if lofer gofer did that they would be in deep shit.  but the democrats may just do nothing. but its better in the DC boys club for the priviedged  gov workers.  so they can feel any one . 

the democracts speech police

o yes now the Washington Post says if u say u hate sanni anni  yo a racist . I don’t care if the hole world screems and wants to kick my ass. I still got free speech.  Its the commie manifest that says about cause hate by preaching racist about any thing . Screw the fin democract socialist , they don’t control me.  Hey bone heads Sanni ANNI invaded Texas in 1836. 

the established way in DC

IF YO ARE AGAINST THE ESTABLISHED GOOD BOY CLUB, THEN YO ARE A TERRIST. U ANTI ABORITION, AGAINST TRANS WHAT EVER U ARE A THREAT.  the  both 2 parties got to be the way or bad news.  But really the elephant and donkey want u to do like that Mexican at 9540.  O yes that Mexican at 9540 likes to spank the donkey.  That means chicken choke. it will cost 40 billion dollars for a pretty man to change gofers oil.