around the world looking

First it was a loon telling me if I voted for so and so no talk to her. Flipped her lid, spanked the poney, when wild turkey bites, that irish wisky.  Too much.  Just follow your nose to blue lite cemetery, bear creek.

o yes and blue eyes crying in the rain, met from flordia with kids no thanks.

Continue reading “around the world looking”

is boy wonder there or what

The fat man author said boy wonder is on leave of absence.  That may be a story.  Fat man sleeps and eats.  O boy wonder trying to play peek a boo . Gomer knows all about boy wonder.

Any way the democratic party ladies are still crying over the election.  This time its compairing Hillary the hag with .  There brain is in the gutter.

Yes if KIU JUNE north korea hits pearl.  Going to be ashes to ashes, in leash some thing.

I’m tired of sending this out when no one reads it. O gomer can tell about SB history, the blue lite cemetery, huricans, the next reunion, where all the time clock keys are at sweetwater.

fat man ,wonder boy, gomer, Hillary Clinton, hurricans , KTRH


Why put stuff on here about what goes on at bear creek park ? yes channel 13 decited to show the movie jaws in the day time. They show behind the scenes at hippie hollow.  How about at pale face park in the 1970s o things went on.  Yes and Marvin complained when a certain BMW went around spring valley street that time .  Or when gofer was at the gas station at kempwood and Campbell that time, 2 of danny boys girl friends wanted to do the wild west but gofer could not figure it out.  Lucy was so and sos best friend, both so good looking . O well.

bear creek park, jaws, hippie hollow, Marvin Zinler, the bmw, gas station, Lucy

bruce jenner or the thing

O yo can bet  your clothes off. Brucey  honey child got to 9540 to day . That’s right the construction folks wanted to know if that was a freak . Come to find out honey child has what gofer has dick and balls . yo Have to be stoned out of yo goard to see that freak naked.  Its got a short dick and plastic tits.  O all the peeps they want a look see . In fact gofer ant like honey child. Really gofer is a male dog but wants to be female dog.  In fact change sex is normal for freaks.     Continue reading “bruce jenner or the thing”